Soil sampling

Type of analysis

How to sample

Sample volume required for analysis

Storage conditions – shelf life



Point samples are taken on a test site from one or more layers or horizons using the envelope method, diagonally, or any other method, so that each sample represents a part of the soil typical for the genetic horizons or layers of this type of soil.

For soil sampling a knife, spatula, or soil drill is used.

Weight of a combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

Monoliths should be selected with a volume of at least 100 cm3

Store in containers made of chemically neutral material.

If the temperature is above 4-5 °C store for 2 days.

At temperatures below -18 °C - up to 30 days.


Samples are taken in containers (jars) of dark glass with a ground-glass or tightly screwed lid, filling the container under the top. Weight of the sample taken must be at least 100 g.

Bacteriological Parasitological

Weight of a combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

Monoliths should be selected with a volume of at least 100 cm3

At a temperature from 4 °C to 5 °C no more than 24 hours


Weight of a combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

Monoliths should be selected with a volume of at least 100 cm3

Store in containers made of chemically neutral material.

If the temperature is above 4-5 °C store for 2 days.

At temperatures below -18 °C - up to 30 days.


Weight of a combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

Monoliths should be selected with a volume of at least 100 cm3

Samples are analyzed no later than 12 hours from the moment of sampling. If this condition cannot be met, combined samples are stored in a refrigerator in containers with a tightly closed lid for up to one week at a temperature of (+2) to (+4)°C. It is not allowed to preserve soil samples for toxicity analysis.

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