Food raw material

Types of research of food raw materials contact us

Types of research of food raw materials

research cost

We have prepared for You a convenient price list with a detailed classification of types of research of food raw materials

price list of food raw materials

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LABCLUSTER - group of independent laboratories. When working with us, you will avoid hours of red tape and save not only time, but also money.

As simple and convenient as possible

Several common reasons to conduct research of food raw materials
If you need to study food raw materials as part of the production control program

Send the program or a list of incoming food raw materials. Our managers will respond to You on the same day!


Call us for a consultation!

+7 (812) 363 08 08
If you need analysis of food raw materials for preventive quality control of suppliers

Send a list of incoming food raw materials.


Call us for a consultation!

+7 (812) 363 08 08
If you received food raw materials that raise doubts about their suitability for use (with a strong atypical smell or color, with visually observed helminths, etc.)

Call us urgently for a timely analysis. The faster you bring the raw material for analysis, the faster you can get a report about its suitability for further use.

If the raw materials do not meet the standards, You can get a refund from the supplier or replace the entire batch.

For advice, call or email us!

+7 (812) 363 08 08

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in addition to ANALYZING food raw materials we conduct other types of research:

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