research of occupational air

All types of research in one place leave a request
Our accreditationsee

Our laboratory is accredited for the widest possible list of indexes of the air of the working area.

the list of indexes
Cost of research of occupational air

We have prepared a convenient price list for you with a detailed classification of prices for the analysis of occupational air

price list

send the price list by email

LABCLUSTER - group of independent laboratories. When working with us, you will avoid hours of red tape and save not only time, but also money.

as simple and convenient as possible

There are several common reasons to conduct a research of workplace air
If you need to analyze the air in the working area as part of industrial control

Send us the industrial control program or the technical task with the number of points, the list of indexes and the multiplicity of sampling/measurements. Our managers will respond to You on the same day!

SEND a technical task
For consultation, call us: +7 (812) 363 08 08
Send us an email:

a laboratory for laboratories

Discount 20% for laboratories for all types of research
If you are an environmental or survey company that is looking for a laboratory as a contractor

You have come to the right place!

We will be able to conduct the full range of research you need in the shortest possible time and with a 20% discount that we provide to such companies.

Email us: For consultation, call us: +7 (812) 363 08 08
If you are a laboratory and there are no "complex" indexes in your accreditation area

We don't need official requests, just write a list of indexes that interest you. We have EVERYTHING!

a list of indicators

Напишите нам на почту: To get prompt advice from a specialist, call us +7 (812) 363 08 08

Our accreditation area

The area of the laboratory's accreditation allows performing
a comprehensive chemical analysis of occupational air.
This is done by the following laboratory groups:

Sampling group

Staff: 12 specialists

Instrumental base:

  • Leak detectors ANT-3M

    5 pcs.
  • GANK gas analyzers

    6 pcs.
  • Gas analyzers ELAN-SO

    8 pcs.
  • Analyzer of mercury RA-915+

    2 pcs.
  • Aspirators

    18 pcs.
  • Meteometers

    9 pcs.

Chromatography and mass spectrometry group

Staff: 12 chemistry engineers

Instrumental base:

  • Agilent 6890N gas chromatomass spectrometer with Agilent 5973N MSD (with autosampler)

    1 pc.
  • Gas chromatomass spectrometer Agilent 7000C MS/MS (with triple quadrupole, with autosampler)

    1 pc.
  • Gas chromatographs "Chromatek-Kristall 5000.2"

    6 pcs.
  • Liquid chromatograph «Stayer»

    2 pcs.
  • Liquid chromatographs «Lumachrom»

    2 pcs.

Atomic absorption and mass spectrometry group

Staff: 8 chemistry engineers

Instrumental base:

  • Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers ICP MS (Agilent)

    2 pcs.
  • Atomic absorption spectrophotometers (Shimadzu, Analytik Jena, A-2)

    3 pcs.
  • Quick Trace M-7500 mercury analyzer

    1 pc.

Photometric air analysis group

Staff: 2 chemistry engineers

Instrumental base:

  • Spectrophotometers (Specord, PE)

    3 pcs.

Do you have any questions or need help from specialists?

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