In spectral (quantitative and qualitative) methods of analysis, along with flame and electrothermal atomization, the source of excitation can be inductively coupled plasma, which is used in the methods: emission (ICP-AE) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
"Declaration on the properties and composition of wastewater" is developed on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 29.07.2013 (ed. from 03.11.2016) No. 644 "Rules for cold water supply and sanitation".
The deadline for submitting a Declaration for 2021 is November 1, 2020.
The density of the soil skeleton (particles) ρs (g/cm3) is an indicator that indirectly characterizes the mineralogical composition of the soil, which is equal to the ratio of the mass of the solid phase of the soil to its volume without taking into account the pore space.
Plasticity of the soil – the ability of the soil to deform when compressed without violating the integrity of the structure while maintaining the accepted shape after applying force. Plasticity of the soil is directly proportional to the content of physical clay (the sum of fractions less than 0.01 mm). Soil plasticity is characterized by upper (WL) and lower (WP) limits
Our laboratory is accredited to determine a number of physical characteristics of soils according to the current standards GOST 5180 and GOST 25100. There are currently 17 indexes in the area of laboratory accreditation. Let's look at each of them in details.
The degree of heterogeneity of granulometric composition of Сu(uf) is defined as the ratio of particle diameters corresponding to 60% (d60, mm) and 10% (d10, mm) particle content.
Tin-organic compounds are chemical compounds in which organic groups are directly linked to the tin atom. They are widely used in the production of pesticides, film materials, and paints.
The granulometric composition of the soil should be understood as the mass fraction of granulometric particles of different diameters, expressed as weight percentages, the sum of which equals 100%.
Ethylene glycol is a diatomic alcohol, a thick sweet liquid-the closest relative of the well-known glycerol. However, unlike the latter, ethylene glycol is poisonous and the range of its toxic effects on the human body is quite wide.
The method of inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) for determining mass concentrations of metals in drinking, natural and waste water samples has proven itself well in conditions of a large number of samples and limited time for analysis.
Surface water contains a certain amount of nitrogen-containing compounds, which can be in different states: colloidal, dissolved and suspended. Under certain physical, chemical and biological environmental factors, these substances can pass from one aggregate state to another.
Soil porosity n (%) is the ratio of the pore volume to the total volume of the soil sample. n is a classification indicator, the value of which is used to classify sandy and rocky soils as varieties.
Soil density (g/cm3) is the mass of soil of natural composition in the unit of its volume including the pore space. The value of ρ, also called bulk density, depends on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the soil, as well as on the packing of particles, which, in turn, depends on the aggregate state of the soil and factors leading to its compaction or loosening (violations due to mechanical processing, the activity of burrowing fauna, the dynamics of wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, etc.).
There are weight humidity and volumetric humidity of the soil. Weight humidity or moisture content is the ratio of the weight of moisture in the soil sample to the weight of the solid phase. Volumetric humidity is the ratio of the volume of moisture in the soil sample to the volume of the solid phase of the soil.
We are glad to inform you that LLC Laboratory has passed the procedure of widening the area of accreditation. At the moment, we are a private laboratory with the largest accreditation area in the Russian Federation.
Who needs to develop a "program of regular observations of a water object and its water protection zone"?
The program is necessary for all companies that discharge waste water into a water body.
Any particles of a polymeric material (plastic) having a diameter of less than 5 cm, regardless of their composition and origin, are classified as microplastics. Microplastic can be a direct product of industrial production: plastic powders and granules are often included in household chemicals and other chemical products. In other cases microplastic appears in the environment during the destruction of larger "macroscopic" objects.
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are recognized "leaders" in toxicity even among the chemical pollutants of the "dirty dozen"("грязная дюжина").
The most famous representative of this group of compounds is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, which has the maximum toxicity and is often referred to as dioxin proper.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highly toxic persistent organic environmental pollutants.
The use of these compounds as dielectrics in condensers and coolers in heat exchange systems is a notable technological achievement of industrial chemistry in the mid-twentieth century.